Guia Inusitado do Porto | Unusual Guide of Porto
book cover | capa do livro
The unusual guide to Porto. This is the title of the drawing research report that approaches the theme of urban landscape. The work is a guide of Porto city, lined by the change of use of the standard tourist guide, as a contribution to an unusual guide.
Approaching the concept of unusual in the fields of suggestion and action, in which drawing appears as a substitute of fotography, different angle views are suggested as a demand for changing the spectator behavior. We show the most watched Porto, in the least seen way.
Thus, the implication areas which contribute for the unusual are: the time of the drawing, the perception defined by Merleau-Ponty. The emancipated spectator, so-called by Jacques Rancière, as the one who observes and interferes. The deviation from the norm, studied by the Group µ. And that the changes caused by drawing as a substitute of photography.
We used the mapping of areas of the intervention through the diagrams and the consequent application of drawing strategies.
All the Oporto city drawing views were made in travel sketchbooks, along routes through the city. The same routes were used in the Unusual Guide and explained with maps.
As a result, a piece of editorial design an Unusual Guide of Porto.
Urban landscape drawing, guide, perception, unusual, standard and deviation, contour, travel scketchbook.
browse the book | folhear o livro
detail of route map | pormenor de mapa de percurso
view to the D. Luiz I bridge | vista para a ponte D. Luiz I
leaflet with 360 ° view from the top of the Clérigos tower | desdobrável com vista 360º do cimo da torre dos clérigos
back of the book | verso do livro
packed guide | o guia embalado
this book contains… | este livro contém…
See also: | Ver também:
- Resumo do projecto | Project abstract
- Relatório do Guia Inusitado | Unusual Guide Report
- Percurso olho de pássaro | Bird’s Eye Rout
- Caderno 2013_1 | Sketchbook 2013_1
- Caderno 2013_2 | Sketchbook 2013_2
- Caderno 2013_3 | Sketchbook 2013_3